
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day #2 Soul-winning marathon!

Well all I can say is glory to God!!!!!!!!!! Day 2 of our Soul-winning marathon started out difficult. For me it was a little discouraging. It seemed as if there was a satanic depression in the air. I'm sure there was for he certainly was not happy about what we were trying to do. In the morning we did have two saved before lunch and many many more heard a gospel presentation.

However, after lunch was a completely different story. It did start out a little slow, but after we had a prayer meeting in the park, God came down in a mighty way. Discouragement turned into encouragement as I saw God move through each of us! Before the day was over 12 precious souls received Jesus Christ! Glory to the living God!

We want to ask all you to continue praying for us this week, especially for this Friday. We have rented a building in the center of town. Friday night we are trying to get all of the converts that we have this week to come to this meeting. We hope to get them into church through this effort. Thank you all for your prayers!


KLEMMON said...

Well "Glory to God"!!!! What an incredible day! Prayers are going up for each you from TX!!! Kathleen

Nina in Portugal said...

I am praising the Lord with you!! And I'm so thankful to hear about the meeting Friday night for the converts to help get them in church....following through with them...blesses my soul!

Praying for you all.

Special thanks to every one who prayed for the Soul Winning Marathon. It was a success with 78 folks receiving Christ as Savior because you prayed!
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